This week I'm going back in time a little bit to one of my favorite songs from a few years ago. At a Women of Faith Conference in Rochester, New York, I had the joy of meeting Nicole C. Mullen, an artist whose music I had heard before but I had never known her name. This woman is an amazing performer and I still would love to have the opportunity to see her perform again. At that conference, after seeing her perform I bought all of her albums and fell in love with a song called "Convinced" from the 2007 Album Sharecropper's Seed.
For me, this song is about how much God loves you and nothing can separate us from that love. There is nothing we can do to make him love us less. That is such a powerful statement...there's no other love like that, and for many it's hard to believe. How can he love me with all the things that I've done wrong, all my failures, all my sins? This song is a reminder to all of us, an affirmation that we will always be loved by Him, no matter what.
Listen to the link below...
It wasn't until just a few weeks ago that I realized where in the Bible some of the words in this song come from. In a Bible Study with friends from church, we were reading Romans Chapter 8, which I've noticed seems to have lots of inspiring words for songwriters. Romans Chapter 8, Verse 38 says:
For I am convinced that neither death
nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future,
nor any powers, neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in al creation,
will be able to separate us from the love
of God that is Christ Jesus our Lord.
Nicole takes this passage a step further in her song by sharing her love for God in the same way. Not only can nothing separate her from His Love, she sings that nothing can separate Him from her love. That's quite a commitment. She will always love Him, even during those times when she is in pain....she will love him. When she is disappointed and frustrated with the course of life...she will still love him. I pray that my faith and love for Him will be strong during the struggles of life as well.
The wind will blow on everybody
And rain will fall on us all
And if the, weather of my life
Is not like I want it, still
I'll survive through the storm
'Cuz I'm convinced, I'm persuaded
I will not be separated
From the love
I have in You
Neither death or life coud sever
Neither height or depth could measure
The love You have
And my love for You.
I hope this song and these words are encouraging to you this week. No matter how disappointed you are in yourself, no matter what challenges you face this week, be comforted in knowing that God loves you and he always will. And may your love for the Lord be strong and constant throughout your journey in this life.
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